Saturday, July 31, 2010

My Back was Healed by a Prayer of Faith!

Several months ago (maybe even as long as a year ago), Josh and I were watching an episode of Sid Roth's show "It's Supernatural." I can't remember who was being interviewed, but the interviewee gave a healing prayer at the end of the interview. In the prayer, he said "Someone's back is being healed right now in Jesus' name." There had been lots of people (including Sid Roth himself) who had prayed something similar in past interviews, but this time I felt like he was really speaking to me. So, I prayed to God, "God, if this prayer could be for me, I would let you heal my back."

My back had been in a state of chronic pain. I always had knots in my back (so much so that my husband said my back felt "grainy"). Plus, one side of my back was significantly weaker than the other. In fact, the muscles were so imbalanced that on one side of my spine they were thick and strong (probably to make up for the other side), and on the other they seemed almost non-existent. There was a thumb-width's gap where a muscle should have been on one side of my spine. I had the suspicion that I had a slight case of scoliosis, since it runs in my family and a doctor pointed it out as a possibility once during a routine physical.

So, I expectantly hoped for my back to be instantaneously healed. I didn't notice anything right away, and not even by the next day. But within a week, my back was completely different than it had been for the past 3 years (probably more)! My husband noticed the difference as well, saying, "I don't know what happened, but you have a completely different back."

Praise the Lord that after so many months, my back is still in great condition as a result of this prayer. The Lord is good and faithful, and he has many benefits. It is the duty of those who know this to spread those benefits to others. Let me be faithful and obedient to the Father's will! May Your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven, Father! Amen!

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